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Driver Compliance Import


This will import driver for sub-customer and customer.

download sample driver import file.


Column PositionHeader NameDescriptionDatatypeValidationMax lengthMandatoryDefault ValueExample
ASub Customer Namecustomer name under which driver will import.stringA-Z, 0-9 and all special characters50YesTest Customer
BSub Customer Idcustomer’s Account numberstringA-Z, 0-920YestestCustomer1205111
CFirst NameDriver’s First NamestringA-Z, 0-9 and all special characters30Yesdriver
DLast NameDriver’s Last NamestringA-Z, 0-9 and all special characters30Yestest
EDriver EmailDriver’s EmailstringStandard email
FDriver Mobile NumberDriver’s mobile numberstring0-9 numeric field15Yes0123456789
GEmployee Start DateDriver’s Employment start datestring (ddmmyyyy)0-9 numeric field (should follow ddmmyyyy date format)6No03052023
HEmployee End DateDriver’s Employment End Datestring (ddmmyyyy)0-9 numeric field (should follow ddmmyyyy date format)6No23052023
JLicence NumberDriver’s Licence NumberstringA-Z, 0-9 and no special characters16NoABCDE12345678901
KLicence Start DateDriver’s Licence Start Datestring (ddmmyyyy)0-9 numeric field (should follow ddmmyyyy date format)6No05032023
LLicence End DateDriver’s Licence End Datestring (ddmmyyyy)0-9 numeric field (should follow ddmmyyyy date format)6No08082023
MLicence StatusDriver’s Licence StatusstringA-Z characters 20No
NLicence Issue No.Driver’s Licence Issue Numberstring0-9 numeric value only2No1
OLicence CountryDriver’s Licence CountrystringA-Z50NoUnited Kingdom
PEnable App AccessThis field will allow to login driver from mobile.stringbooleanNoNY
QEnable App UserThis field will allow to login driver from mobile.stringbooleanNoNY
REnable Licence CheckThis field will allow system to check licence for driverstringbooleanNoNY
SLicence Checking Start DateThis field indicate when system should start licence check for driver.string (ddmmyyyy)0-9 numeric field (should follow ddmmyyyy date format)6No12052023

Importing a file


  1. Create a new branch with Jira task number in the branch name

  2. Delete all the files within the importFiles folder to prevent accidental import of incorrect files

  3. Create a folder with the current sprint number

  4. Copy the file that needs to be imported

  5. Go to package.json , find the line validate:driverCompliance

  6. Modify --leaseId with the required lease Id

  7. Modify --file with the relative path of the file

  8. Save package.json

Validating locally

  1. in a terminal run npm run build

  2. in a terminal run npm run validate:driverCompliance

  3. If there are no errors, push the code

Validating in workflow

  1. Go to Action of Import-manger

  2. Find <Environment> - on-demand-import

  3. Select the branch that was created for this import

  4. Enter script name as validate:driverCompliance

  5. Leave Overrides empty

Importing the file

  1. If the validation has passed

  2. Go to Action of Import-manger

  3. Find <Environment> - on-demand-import

  4. Select the branch that was created for this import

  5. Enter script name as validate:driverCompliance

  6. Enter --persist in Overrides field


  1. Driver's will be created under sub-customer (which we give in xlsx), check this by go to ViSN customer platform Setting > customer > drivers
Status: Pending Approval
Category: Protected
Authored By: Meet Shah on May 12, 2023